$3,800/month Income ALL CASH...4 unit and
duplex for sale. 30 miles north of Dallas. Have appraisal
Property Description:
Number of Units: 6
Apprased at $187k...I have appraisal
• The properties are located across the street from each other.
• I purchased 708 S. Montgomery in April 2001 and 629 S.
Montgomery in Sept. 2003.
• The units have been 88% occupied.
• All tenants pay with cash every week.
• I have hired a property manager who lives next door to handle
all the management requirements including collecting rent, screening
applicants, watching over properties. She has been the point of contact
for the renters. I pay her $50.00 per week for this service. She also mows
and cleans yard for $25 per week.
• Units are rented by the week, however, most tenants stay much
longer. One tenant has been there over 8 years and two others over 1
• I pay all utilities which provide a premium for rent and allow me
to rent vacant units quickly. My average time for filling a vacancy is
less than 1 week. Electric, Gas, Water and Garbage run about $825.00 per
month. I have receipts for last year.
• The 4 plex are relatively lower-end type of rentals. The duplex is
higher end.
Asking $160,000
972.658.2235E-mail: john.bearg@liebert.com