Hi, if you are the new investor, beware! Finding the deal , the property is
good, next getting the financing can prove very trying, even possible, try
several lenders and keep trying. However, the game of "fun" has just begun.
Tenants have more rights today than the "owner".You must consider doing a lot of
the sweat equity work yourself, a lot of time that you never get back,
putting all important things on hold or the back burner. Time consuming are the
contractors who do shotty work or do not show up, inspectors, getting insurance
on the property, and lastly the tenants! Tenants who do not pay rents as you
had planned, then the court dates and cost to get them to court. If they
move out of state, with all the privacy protection laws, well, are you getting
the picture now? YOU must figure out a way to make the payments to the bank
regardless of how long it takes you get the tenants evicted, then it is repair
time ...again and money and your time to start all over to hurry and get rent
money. Until then, how will you cover the mortgage? A credit card?
Humn....as the debt mounts, and or your savings dwindles down supporting the
feeding the alligator, what else can you do? Have a nest egg for the
unforeseeable, the rainy day, as when IT comes, it will pour and leave a very bad
taste (experience) in your mouth. Let's not forget you must pay an attorney and
hope the tenants don't try to sue YOU the owner for something of which you
are not responsible. I had several rentals and you name it, IT happened to
me. Therefore, I will caution anyone about rental properties, first form a
corporation or some enity to protect yourself/home/family. Otherwise, if you do
not have a great deal of cash on hand, try wholesale or flipping property
first. I am going to try that now. Good luck.