Sep 3, 2005, 00:12,
The Internet has revolutionized the way consumer's evaluate, compare and choose mortgage products and services. Every day more and more mortgage shoppers utilize the Internet to study and purchase home mortgages. As a mortgage broker you must recognize this industry shift and learn to utilize this tool. This brings us to the topic of this article, Internet Mortgage Leads.
Aug 26, 2005, 09:10,
The truth about exclusive mortgage leads. Are Exclusive internet mortgage leads extinct? Find out the truth!
Aug 26, 2005, 00:47,
More often than ever mortgage brokers today are looking for a higher quality mortgage lead (and that answer may be telemarketing mortgage leads). But it seems that qualified mortgage leads and exclusive mortgage leads are coming more difficult to find.
Aug 25, 2005, 15:42,
To put it in simple terms a mortgage loan lead is a request for a mortgage quote generated by a mortgage buyer though a mortgage lead broker website. Mortgage loan lead is generally sold by the mortgage broker to mortgage sellers and vendors for a good sum of money. The mortgage seller then replies the lead with necessary quotes to the concerned customer. Mortgage loan leads may or may not close and have only 8% - 10% chance of closing depending on the briskness of reply, lower quotes and trueness of the lead.
Aug 22, 2005, 13:47,
The fastest and most effective way to start getting quality website traffic to your website is by using Pay Per Click Ads. Two of the most popular PPC (Pay Per Click) search engines are Google Ad words which are featured on many websites including the monster of all search engines GOOGLE and Overture which shows your listings on sites like Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN, and more!
Aug 13, 2005, 14:35,
Quality mortgage leads should contain at least the following fields listed in the mortgage leads sample below. Make sure that you are are getting the proper value for your investment. To evalute your investment make sure to utilize all tools available on this website:
Aug 12, 2005, 15:53,
Owning a home in California is an investment that anyone would love to make and California mortgage loan can make this a reality. The mortgage loan interest rates in California a at their all time lows at present and this situation is being lapped up by mortgage loan takers who are seeing their dream of owing a house in California come true. California has an ideal climate and presents a great destination for tourism as well as home buying
Aug 11, 2005, 01:35,
As loan officers, the word "lead" is by far one of the most common words we use during the day, it is the topic of many of our conversations, it is praised and cursed, it is good and it is bad, it is loved and it is hated, on bad days it is hard to find, and on good days it falls right into our lap
Aug 10, 2005, 22:44,
Mortgage leads that close, that's what we are looking for when we purchase mortgage leads. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Anyone who invests money in internet mortgage leads has one main goal, closing the mortgage leads purchased. So how do you find mortgage leads that close or close the mortgage leads you purchase?
Aug 6, 2005, 07:15,
The Internet has revolutionized the way consumer's evaluate, compare and choose mortgage products and services. Every day more and more mortgage shoppers utilize the Internet to study and purchase home mortgages. As a mortgage broker you must recognize this industry shift and learn to utilize this tool. Below we have compiled a list of the top mortgage lead search terms. This list should help you in your internet marketing efforts.