
Home Buyers
How Home Buyers Get the Great Mortgage Terms
Oct 20, 2005, 01:06

Home buyers have lots of issues to face. There’s the task of finding the perfect house, getting all the paperwork in place for a loan, paying for an appraisal and other purchasing requirements, and jumping through a myriad of other hoops. And all the while, all you really want is to reach the goal – becoming a homeowner. For many home buyers, financing is the biggest hurdle. There are some steps you can take to make this step easier.

Start by getting a copy of your credit report. You’re entitled to a free copy every year at This is a user-friendly site that will guide you through the process of getting a report from each of the three major credit-reporting companies, TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. As a potential home buyer, having a copy of your credit report can help you in several ways.

First, you can look for errors that may impact your ability to get a loan. Nothing’s worse for a home buyer than to be turned down for a mortgage simply because of a mistake on the credit report. You have the right to challenge any information on your report and to require that the credit-reporting companies make corrections, but it’s difficult to get past the fact that you’ve been turned down for a home buyer loan.

Most lenders require that potential home buyers meet specific criteria in order to qualify for their loan programs – especially those programs that offer the best rates and terms. If you are hoping to purchase a home in the future and have had credit issues, take charge of your credit now. Set up a budget you can live with and make your payments on time, every time. Home buyers are responsible for repaying a mortgage to a lender and they’ll look at your credit history to determine whether you’re a good risk.

You should also do what you can to get positive marks on your credit report. Take out a credit card or two, but no more. Don’t overextend yourself. As a potential home buyer, you’ll be penalized for the amount you owe when you apply for a mortgage – regardless of your ability to pay.

Start saving now. Even if you don’t expect to be a home buyer for the next several years, having a sizable down payment will help you get better rates and terms on a home loan.

Note that home buyer grants are sometimes available. You may qualify for a grant as a first time home buyer or for building or purchasing residential property in certain areas. Realtors and lenders are usually “in the know” about these kinds of programs, and that knowledge could be the boost you need to become a home buyer.

Becoming a home buyer does take time and effort on your part. Keeping an eye on your credit report, making sure that you’re making a positive impact on your credit history, and saving toward the day you’ll be ready to buy can smooth the process and make you a successful home buyer.

Finding the perfect house? That part of becoming a home buyer may call for nothing more than a load of patience and some very comfortable walking shoes.

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