The past 2 weeks have been really frustrating as I have been stood up by
prospects at scheduled showings 8 times. We try to prequalify interested
prospects over the phone, explaining our screening process, up front money
needed, the lease/option as a way to become a homeowner, etc. We always ask if
they have driven by the property and also tell all prospects when scheduling a
showing to please call if they need to cancel. Of 11 scheduled showings, I
actually had one show up, two had the decency to call me and cancel, and 8
just failed to show.
Let me start by saying that you're doing one major thing exactly right: having the
applicant drive by the property before you show it to them. This policy has really cut
down the time I spend standing on the porch, waiting to be stood up.
Part of your "no show" problem might be your pre-screening process. I've noticed that
most prospective tenants will not say to your face, "I can't afford that payment" or "I
don't understand the lease/option". So rather than TELL them about your
requirements, you should ASK them about their qualifications. For example, when you
say, "You have to earn $2,000 a month to qualify", the caller is unlikely to admit that
they don't, because they're embarrassed. Ditto when you say that they have to have
$1500 up front. Instead, they'll go ahead and make an appointment they have no
intention of keeping. So a better plan for you is to ask a series of questions: "What is
your total household income before taxes?", "How much do you have to invest?", "Why
are you moving?", etc. (For fair housing reasons, it's a good idea to print these questions
out, have them put into a pad, and actually fill out the form for each caller. This avoids
the appearance that you are trying to dissuade some callers and not others).
Any applicant who does not pass this pre-screening should just be told so, right then,
by you. If you want to soften the blow some, you can use the line that my assistant
always does, which is, "The owners have a very strict policy about income, and you don't
meet the guidelines. I wouldn't want to waste your time or your $20 on this house, but
would you like me to call you about others?"
I have been told by fair housing advocates that, before giving this little speech to any
caller, you should double check that they do not have additional income that they're not
mentioning. Also, if the caller insists on seeing the property anyway, it's a good idea to
show it to him...just tag him onto another showing that you already have (see next
question for more details).
Another good question to ask is, "Have you ever lease/optioned a home before?" If the
answer is no, you can do your little spiel about how a lease/option works, then end with
"Well, I'm not sure I explained that very well!I'll have some information about how it
works at the house" (and, of course, have the information available when they get
there). This way, you take the blame for the fact that they don't understand, and
assures them that they WILL understand prior to making a commitment.
If you're concerned about asking questions about people's income and motives, get
over it. The ones who get offended are the last people you want to make an appointment
with, anyway.
We considered blocking out a set period of time each week (say Saturday from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) but I'm trying to be customer friendly and I'm afraid that the
work schedules of our prospects would preclude them from making it to the set
"open house."
There is a way to accomplish both: when a caller sets an appointment at, say,
Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., tell the next caller that you'll be there Wednesday at 6. If that
time doesn't work for him, set up Friday at 5 (or whatever). Now you have two times
during the week when you know you'll be at the property anyway, so try to plug everyone else
into those times.
Being "customer friendly" is always a good idea, but making your schedule around
those of the your potential tenants is a very bad one. You can appear to be
accommodating them without inconveniencing yourself by offering several appointment
times. Believe me, they don't appreciate you any more because you jump when they say
jump. In fact, it sets a tone for the rest of your relationship that you probably don't
want to encourage.
A suggestion on an internet site suggested that I require a prospect to call to
confirm an hour prior to any scheduled showing, but I'm not comfortable doing
that!to me it sends the message that I regard all prospective tenants as being
too immature to keep appointments.
Clearly, they are too immature to keep appointments, so I don't know why you'd feel
bad. But if it makes you feel better about this policy (which is a great one, by the way),
tell prospects that you always forget appointments, so they need to call you an hour
before to remind you to show up. Remember, the point here is to save your valuable
time, NOT to make the lives of your prospects easy.
Another issue we have come across is prospects who take an application and
never return it. They seem excited about the property when they leave, and
promise to get the completed application back to us in a day or two, then we
never hear from them. We had an open house and had 4 couples that seemed to
have genuine interest, but none returned the apps. Should we be doing follow-
up calls?
Yes, you should be doing follow-up calls not only to the people who took applications,
but to the people who didn't. This is the best way to get feedback as to what your
customers like and dislike about your property. I can speculate all day as to why your
folks aren't returning the apps, but the only ones who can really tell you are, well, the
folks who aren't returning the apps!
My guess in the case of the open house is that each of the 4 couples believed that they
had no chance of getting the house because 3 other people were clearly interested in it.
And, by the way, it's a good policy to try to get people to fill out the application onsite
rather than return it to you. In your pre-screening, you might tell potential applicants
to bring a driver's license or photo ID and a $20 application fee in the form of a certified
check, money order, or cash. This way, they can actually apply before they have second
thoughts, see another property, or just get distracted.
One final concern is the quality of applicants. It seems like from mid-December
through January (now), the only applications we are getting are from people
with Beacon Scores of 500, awful references, and recent felonies. Are things
usually slow this time of year? Is it the economy? The phase of the moon? My
haircut? !WHS, Cincinnati, via fax.
You didn't mention whether you are dealing with one property or several. Nor did you
say what the condition and price range of the property is. These sorts of details would
tell me a lot about why you might be having bad luck with applicants. Lower priced
properties, particularly those in not-so-great condition, draw the types of applicants
who stand you up and who aren't worth having. Dirty or smelly houses in any price
range do the same.
I can't speak to the effect of your haircut (although if it's bad enough to merit
consideration, you might want to think about a change), but I can tell you that good
applicants at this time of year are few and far between. Think about it: what kind of
person moves just before Christmas? Answer: the kind of person who has to. Who
moves around the first of the year? Answer: people who spent their December rent on
Christmas presents. I kid you not!this is a tough time to find good tenant/buyers, and
a common time to lose existing tenants to the commercialization of Christmas.
It seems as if you are mostly doing the right thing, but you need to get over this idea
that the prospective tenant's time is more valuable!or even AS valuable!as yours.
When you give people that impression, you're giving them permission to take advantage
of your time now and in the future. Repeat after me: "I am in control here... I am in
control here... I am in control here´" Good luck!
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