Achievement of early occupancy. Through the board of directors of _________ foundation, and various realtors the immediate and surrounding communities were made aware of the availability of housing units. The community has been informed since early 1967 that units were available. Applications are constantly taken and rescreened at the time vacancies occur. Due to the financial and physical condition of _________, at this time, the board is attempting to seek the necessary funds to make the repairs and bring the project to a physically and fiscally sound project. Bids are being sought from contractors in the area to perform the necessary repairs. More effective means of management and maintenance of the project is being negotiated. To insure these ends the following steps are being taken: (a) Renegotiation with present management agent and discussions with other agencies who could provide fiscal and social management. (b) Advertising and personal contact with community groups, agencies, and residents to change the now prevailing idea that the project is not well managed nor well kept. A follow-up on applications presently on file will be begun at once. (c) Residents' eligibility will be reevaluated. (d) Incorporation of new advertising plans to attract new applications will be initiated. The owner intends to use the affirmative fair marketing housing plan (attached) as prescribed by HUD to assure a racial and economic mix of tenants. People not likely to apply are whites because of the location of the project. However, if whites do apply, they will be given the same consideration as other applicants and an equal chance to occupy the units. The owner plans, as mentioned in the affirmative fair housing market plan, to contact the appropriate persons at _________ university, _________ technical institute and _________ university and develop a working relationship with them to attract applicants. The same procedure will be followed with other agencies in our market community, such as _________, _________ redevelopment commission, department of social services and _________ housing authority. Prior to units becoming vacant, the resident manager will begin orientation by explaining to the prospective tenant the requirements for eligibility for living in a BMIR development. Rents will be discussed and the applicant will explain what rents are required and upon what criteria the particular rent is desired. A demonstration unit will be available in order that the resident manager can explain and demonstrate to the prospective tenants how to operate and maintain appliances. He will also explain what services are provided by the management and what responsibilities are the tenants. The lease will be explained at the time the applicant is approved. The manager will be responsible for the selection of tenants, subject to the review of the owner in unusual situations. Evictions shall be the responsibility of the resident manager. A grievance procedure shall be devised by the owner in conjunction with the management agent. The owners shall have the responsibility for the appointment of a committee comprised of board members and representatives of the tenant group to hear grievances voiced by tenants.
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